Caesar III


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Caesar III is part of Sierra's City Building Series and was released in October 1998. Cities in Caesar III try to accurately reflect the life of Roman citizens: the lowest plebians live in tents and shacks, while the richest patricians live in villas. Staple foods include wheat, fruits, vegetables, and pork, and wine is required for some festivals and houses. Citizens wander the streets in their various garbs and can tell the player their name and how they feel about the city. The city is viewed in a two dimensional isometric view with a fixed magnification level, and can be rotated ninety degrees. Access to services such as market goods, entertainment, hygiene, education, and taxation are represented by "walkers," which are people sent out from their buildings to patrol the streets. Any house that is passed by a walker is considered to have access to the services of the walker's building. All movements of goods and coverage of walkers are accurately reflected by citizens wal...
    Un juegazo en toda regla
    Si alguna vez has fantaseado con convertirte en un gobernador durante la época del imperio romano, Caesar III es probablemente lo que estás buscando. Te va a tocar construir ciudades y hacer que sus ciudadanos estén contentos con todo lo que eso conlleva. ¿Pozo de horas? Pues claro.
    Uno de los juegos míticos de Sierra Games. Juego de construcción y gestión de ciudades.