Chivalry : Medieval Warfare


Recommended by 10 users
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is a fast-paced online multiplayer action game which will have players turning in their guns and grenades for battle axes and swords. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare combines a sharp melee edge and familiar competitive gameplay along with the genuine look and feel of open-field combat in the Middle Ages. Players can choose between one of four classes – Knight, Vanguard, Man-at-Arms and Archer – each balanced to offer a unique set of strengths and vulnerabilities in any given situation. An extensive armoury of more than sixty period-authentic weapons, including swords, shields, daggers, maces, axes, javelins, longbows and crossbows, delivers deadly choices for decimating foes. Melee combat in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is more than just hack and slash. Players will use different attacks, blocks and counters insuring that combat is tactical, responsive and of course chaotic. Prepare to fight in a variety of inspired medieval environments and scenario...
    Jogo medieval muito bom que vale bastante apena
    Bom praa matar a nostalgia e esperar Chivalry 2
    Horas y horas de entretenimiento entre sus diferentes estilos de combate y arenas. Yo la que más juego es el de hordas!! Excelente para jugar solo o con amigos!!
    Juego de simulación de guerra medieval. Se parte de una pequeña tropa que se enfrenta por el dominio de zonas, puedes ser un arquero, un espadachín o un tanque, el juego tiene una mecánica de combate en la cual es necesaria la práctica.

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