E.V.O. : Search for Eden


Recommended by 5 users
The storyline of E.V.O.: Search for Eden follows the same patterns as modern Evolution theories. The players first controls a prehistoric sea organism, and fights to gain evolution points with which he can improve his fish's body parts and upgrade his attack/defense abilities. The gameplay is not completely linear, which means that certain choices of paths and stages will affect the player's success. The game is composed of a series of stages, in which the sea organism slowly evolves into an amphibian, and later a land-only creature. The physical changes are fairly scientifically accurate which gives the game a semi-educational purpose as well....
    EVO! Um jogo incrível que te coloca na pele de um ser minúsculo e tem que evoluir ao longo das eras, seja como peixe, réptil ou mamífero. Jogabilidade boa e história incrível, meu jogo favorito do Super Nintendo
    Un clásico, un juegazo lo recomiendo al 💯. Unos de los primeros juego que jugué de ese estilo y me encanto nada que decir 👌👌

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