Final Fantasy IV


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Final Fantasy IV is a remake of the classic Japanese RPG that was first released for SNES, known as Final Fantasy II in the West. Unlike the many subsequent ports (to Playstation, GameBoy Advance, etc.), this release is a full remake, programmed from scratch with real-time 3D graphics. The characters have a "super-deformed" touch. There is also voice acting during cut-scenes. A new option has been added to the menu, which allows the player to read a conversation between party members and receive advice from them. It also features many gameplay additions. The difficulty level has been increased, not only beyond the difficulty of the Western SNES release (which was reduced compared to Japanese original and subsequent ports), but even beyond the original difficulty. The party members are still bound by class, but they can now hunt for so-called "augments", which can be found or stolen from enemies and which grant the characters additional bonus abilities, resistances, spel...
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    Acompaña a Cecil en una gran aventura, te imaginas ser el capitan de una tropa que oprime al pueblo y recien darte cuenta y desertae v:? Poco spoiler ve y juega xd
    Remake del juego en gba donde aparecen escenas extra lo estoy jugando y genial juego le doy un 9/10

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