Guild Wars 2


Recommended by 42 users
Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the Guild Wars series of games by ArenaNet. Guild Wars 2 was released on August 28, 2012. It has been in development since 2006. Many features have integrated into the game which align it with traditional MMORPGs, such as a persistent world and a level cap of 80, but the game has been described by ArenaNet as having non-traditional elements as well, because "it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun."...
    Can't recommend this enough, it has a lot to do and the community is one of the best I've ever seen. Give it a try if you like action MMORPGs :)
    250 años de los sucesos de Guild Wars, volvemos al continente de Tyria donde las diferentes razas llevan siglos sobreviviendo como pueden al despertar de los Dragones Ancianos, deidades primitivas de las fuerzas naturales destructoras
    Si te gustan los MMORPG este es una buena opción, con diferentes tipos de razas para escoger y amplias opciones para personalizar tu personaje puedes crear tu historia a medida que juegas con las decisiones que tomas. Pasarás horas jugándolo sin darte cuenta.
    Um jogo rpg, de graça para pc
    Segundo melhor MMORPG

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