Guild Wars: Factions - Collector's Edition

Videogames (2006)

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Guild Wars Factions is the second stand-alone campaign of Guild Wars. It is set in the Eastern-styled (Asian) continent of Cantha. The Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition box includes: - Special In-Game Dance Emote for the Assassin and Ritualist - Double-sided poster: Map of Cantha and Assassin and Ritualist Poster - Artbook: "The Art of Guild Wars: Factions" - Bonus Music Key - Guild Wars Factions Soundtrack CD - Guild Wars Factions Mouse Pad - 2006-2007 Desk Calendar - 18x25cm Ritualist Cloth Picture - Assassin Sticker Pack - In-Game Miniature Kuunavang
    Juego online de la saga GUILD WARS donde exploraremos el oriental continente de Cantha siguiente la pista de una horrible peste que transforma a las personas y animales en engendros enloquecidos y su vinculación con la influencia de un malvado asesino legendario
    Gran juego

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