Halo 3


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Halo 3 is a shooter game where players primarily experience gameplay from a first-person perspective. Much of the gameplay takes place on foot, but also includes segments focused on vehicular combat. The balance of weapons and objects in the game was adjusted to better adhere to the "Golden Triangle of Halo": these are weapons, grenades, and melee attacks, which are available to a player in most situations. Players may dual-wield some weapons, forgoing the use of grenades and melee attacks in favor of the combined firepower of two weapons. Many weapons available in previous installments of the series return with minor cosmetic and power alterations. Unlike previous installments, the player's secondary weapon is visible on their player model, holstered or slung across the player's back. Halo 3 introduces "support weapons", which are cumbersome two-handed weapons that slow the player, but offer greatly increased firepower in return. In addition to weapons, the game contains a ...
    Halo 3 es un videojuego de disparos en primera persona desarrollado por Bungie Studios exclusivamente para la videoconsola Xbox 360 y posteriormente en Xbox ONE y PC en el recopilatorio Halo: The Master Chief Collection 👽 síganme para ver los libros y su Cronología
    Es muy buen juego,uno de los mejores de la saga sin duda
    Nunca me cansare de jugar halo con mi amigos
    Ésta es la cumbre de la trilogía desarrollada por Bungie. El desenlace que se fue construyendo en torno a la historia de John 117 y que ata todos los cabos sueltos de los juegos anteriores. Su multijugador mejora aún más lo que su antecesor estableció y lo convirtió en la insignia de Xbox 360

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