Kirby's Epic Yarn


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While walking through Dream Land, Kirby discovers a tomato and decides to eat it. Yin-Yarn, the evil sorceror who possessed the tomato (revealed to be a Metamato), appears and magically banishes Kirby into Patch Land, a world completely made of fabric, via the sock carried around his neck. In Patch Land, Kirby's body transforms into yarn, rendering his power to inhale useless. Instead, Kirby is granted the ability to transform by the magic of the Metamato, which he uses to rescue a boy being attacked by a monster. The boy, named Prince Fluff, explains that Yin-Yarn has separated Patch Land into pieces, which was tied together by magic yarn. Kirby decides to help Prince Fluff collect all seven pieces of the yarn and restore Patch Land. Meanwhile, Yin-Yarn captures King Dedede and Meta Knight and places them under his control. Kirby is forced to fight Dedede and Meta Knight after they ambush him in Patch Land. When Kirby and Prince Fluff finally collect all the Magic Yarn, M...
    I love playing 3DS Edition
    Les recomiendo por que es muy bueno
    El juego más tierno de Kirby que puede existir, tiene una musiquita super linda.
    Un juego que da bastante relajación y satisfacción el jugarlo. Sería mucho mejor que lo disfrutaras en compañía de tu hermano u amigo más cercano, pues la enseñanza de este videojuego es la amistad, con ella todo sale de maravilla en cualquier aventura que se presente
    Muy lindo, una historia muy buena, un modo de juego muy fácil y didáctico.

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