Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver


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Many years after the events in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. Kain has created an empire in the world of Nosgoth where almost all humans have been exterminated. To help him maintain control over such large territory he chooses five lieutenants to command his vampire forces. Your name is Raziel and you are one of those lieutenants. Ages have passed by and during that time you have been has “blessed” with something no other vampire has--wings. Kain, being evil and jealous vampire, punished Raziel for his "transgression". Jealous Kain tore off Raziel’s wings and cast him down into the Lake of the Dead. A millenium has passed while Raziel lay forgotten before he is brought back to existence by The Elder God. He becomes a soul reaver with one purpose and one purpose only--kill Kain. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver continues the story from Blood Omen in a very clever and interesting way while also adding many new gameplay features. One of those improvements is the ability to shift betw...
    Jogo clássico gótico/terror com um toque "Shakespeariano"!
    Muy buen juego con trama medieval y de vampiros muy interesante 👌🏽
    Ve a un portal, luego a otro y así por siempre. Buen juego aunque algo tedioso. Si te gustan los puzzle dátelo sin miedo.
    🌟 El segundo juego (orden cronológico) de una saga muy buena 👌 es de acción y aventura. La historia y los personajes son geniales, te atrapa un montón, recomendado 🎮♥️
    Un clásico PS one, nos cuenta la historia de Raziel un vampiro, que se desarrolla más rápido el cual le salen alas antes que el rey, KAIN, al ver esto supo que Raziel era un peligro, por lo que decide cortarle las alas y matarlo, 100 años despues hay desequilibrio, por qué KAIN se rehúsa a morir.

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