Monster Hunter Freedom Unite


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Japan's most successful PSP title, Monster Hunter Portable 2G, is heading to Europe and US. Renamed Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, this latest installment in the epic Monster Hunter series delivers over 500 hours of gameplay spanning some 400 missions. Added with previously unreleased monsters, weapons and missions and you have the biggest Monster Hunter game to date. Using the Ad-Hoc connection players can adventure with up to three friends for a savaging multiplayer hunting party. From devising the strategy to executing the attack, players will need to work together in order to hunt down the ferocious beasts and progress through the wide range of quests on offer. Players will be rewarded for their use of deep fighting combat systems, encouraging them to seek out the more experienced hunters and team up in order to learn from their experience. Even in single player mode Hunters won't be alone thanks to the introduction of the new AI Felyne feature. Accompanying players ...
    Meses,Semanas,Dias, horas. Investi muito nesse jogo. Ainda mais no psp que vc leva pra qualquer lugar. Lembro de um dia que joguei a madrugada e levantei me arrumei e fui trabalhar virado kkk Minera, coleta e retira partes de monstros que mata pra fazer sua armadura ou armas. Recheado de monstros.
    De longe um dos melhores jogos de PSP. É um jogo rico em detalhes que com certeza merece a atenção de qualquer jogador de portátil. O jogo possui mecânicas interessantes, ricas e bem vivas eu diria. O mundo de MH chega a ser imersivo, então se prepare para ser um Hunter!
    Caza a cada uno de los monstruos y crea sus set de armaduras para demostrar a los demas jugadores quien es el cazador que mas vale
    Este monster hunter es la adaptación fuera de Asia del 2G, tiene adaptación a varios idiomas entre ellos: español, inglés, alemán, etc. Y como particularidad es menos aparente el efecto gráfico de la sangre al pelear con los monstruos, imperdible ¡al menos 70 horas de diversión!
    Mi nombre lo dice todo hahah

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