Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks


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Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is a 3D platforming adventure beat-em-up that is based in the Mortal Kombat world. The combat is fast-paced, with numerous ways to dispose of enemies, including MK signature moves and Fatalities. This kombat goes beyond what you have seen in the fighting games, among the upgrades are: The series first Multi-Directional Kombat System, Multalities (kill multiple opponents with one move), Brutalities (see red as you unleash brutal force), ko-op only team-attacks, and even character progression (earn experience to spend on upgrades to moves). The backgrounds, all based on MK and MK II arenas, come to life with numerous hazards for the Monks that they can turn on their enemies....
    Q nostalgia mortal kombat shaolim monks
    Best MK ever.
    Pensa em um jogo foda é esse aqui estilo god of Wars mais óbvio tem suas diferenças, mais é um jogo maravilhoso que eu particularmente recomendo muito vc jogar!!!!
    Tremendo juego para ir avanzando en fases descubriendo y entrenado ataques muy poco valorado pero es una verdadera joya

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