Papo & Yo


Recommended by 5 users
The game involves a young Brazilian boy Quico who, while hiding from his abusive, alcoholic father, finds himself taken to a dream-like favela, and meeting a normally docile creature, Monster. The player, as Quico, can interact with Monster and manipulate the buildings of the favela in unique ways, such as by stacking individual shacks on each other, to complete puzzles and progress in the game. Papo & Yo was designed by Vander Caballero, who created the story based on his own past in dealing with an abusive, alcoholic father....
    Um game Independente que me fez chorar. A história narra de forma lúdica a luta de uma criança para sobreviver com seu " Monstro" famíliar..
    Juegaso que juge hace 5 años pero sigue siendo una joya con los acertijos y adivinanzas lo recomiendo 💯😎
    Uno de esos juegos que la gente no conoce demasiado por ser "INDIE".El creador intenta contar lo que sufrió de pequeño cuando su padre llegaba a casa ebrio y se convertía en un monstruo.Juego de puzzle y plataformas con una hermosa y profunda historia detras, sin duda, es mi mejor recomendación
    AAAH ME ENCANTA, es mi juego favorito, súper recomendadoooo

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