Pokémon HeartGold


Recommended by 9 users
Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version are paired Generation IV remakes of the Generation II games Pokémon Gold and Silver. Much like how Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen revisited the Generation I story of Kanto, HeartGold and SoulSilver retell the story of Johto, with the player's starting town being New Bark Town. While the games feature several expansions in key areas, the overall plot follows the same direction as the original Gold and Silver. Some aspects exclusive to Crystal are also included. Like how FireRed and LeafGreen could link up with Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald to complete the Pokédex by trading regionally exclusive Pokémon, HeartGold and SoulSilver can link up with Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum to obtain Pokémon unavailable in Johto and Kanto (such as the Sinnoh starters) and vice versa. Kris, despite being the female counterpart of Crystal's player character, is not included as the female player character, with a new character instead taking ...
    Sin dudas de mis juegos favoritos de la saga Pokémon metiendo innovaciones que todos amaron como el Pokémon acompañante que se puede ver durante casi todo el gameplay, sinceramente además del claro avance gráfico para la época (NDS) también trajo consigo gran avance de gameplay y por eso me encanta.
    Mi juego favorito de Pokemon. Versión mejorada del original "Pokemon Oro". Algunas cosas nuevas, mejores gráficos, el pokewalker... Esta ocasión para Nintendo DS.