Pokémon Stadium


Recommended by 37 users
In the game's Stadium Mode, one player competes in 80 different battles, divided into four tournaments. Beat the Stadium Mode and you're in for a bonus battle against the ultimate Pokémon warrior, Mewtwo, as well as a secret mode that gives you 80 brand-new, and devilishly tough battles. There is virtually no way you can beat the secret mode without having trained your own, elite Pokémon. One to four players compete against each other or the computer in a no-holds-barred battle with customizable rules. You can select rental Pokémon for these battles -- but that makes them much too predictable since their selection of techniques isn't determined by the trainer. You can also select quick and easy versus and random battles....
    Hard to play it now a days if you don't have a Nintendo 64, but you have to try the first game in a big console of pokemon, and the narrator is nuts 7.5/10
    Pokémon Battle Revolution é um lixo comparado com o Stadium. Que obra de arte.
    Nostalgia demais, pirei muito no Nintendo com esse jogo hahahaha ♥️♥️ boas lembranças
    A parte de la manera normal de ganar a los diferentes pokemon al vencer al director de cada gimnasio, su zona de minijuegos es una opción sumamente entretenida. Es un juego que no puede faltar pata los amantes de esta saga.
    Mi primer juego de Pokémon en una consola 😂

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