Project X Zone


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Project X Zone is a crossover tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS. The game is a follow up to the video game Namco × Capcom and features characters from Namco Bandai, Capcom, and Sega. Stages in Project X Zone take place in grid-based locations from the game's many crossover titles. Each friendly unit is made up of two characters (thus referred to as a Pair Unit), though a third character (or "Solo Unit") can be added for once-per-battle assistance. Unlike Namco × Capcom, units can move freely within their range on the field map, with no penalty for accessing treasure chests or destructible objects prior to attacking....
    Jrpg infravalorado, mecanicas unicas que hacen de la jugabilidad un disfrute. La historia tiende a ser confusa o casi nula, entendiendose que tiene demasiados personajes, pero su nula historia la compensa con su fantastica jugabilidad y banda sonora.

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