The Binding of Isaac


Recommended by 22 users
The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him super human abilities and enabling him to fight off droves of mysterious creatures, discover secrets and fight his way to safety. Key features: Randomly generated dungeons, items enemies and bosses, you never play the same game twice. Over 100 unique items that not only give you powers but visually change your character. 50+ enemy types each with the ability to become "special" making them extra deadly but they also drop better loot. Over 20 bosses. 4 full chapters spanning 8 levels 3+ unlockable classes Multiple endings Tons of unlockable items, enemies, bosses and more....
    Juego entretenido que se va complicando con cada run ganada y con cada expansión
    Jamás imaginé que pudiera llegar a tanto. Un roguelike increíble que llegó para quedarse. Banda sonora impresionante, jugabilidad pulida, un lore impresionantemente grande y una cantidad de objetos descomunal hacen de este un juegazo. Att: BrainDead
    Jogo 1, perfeito por si só, apresenta um gráfico bem simples e pouca otimização. Mas ainda recomendo
    meu favorito
    Um dos jogos indies mais clássicos de todos!

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