The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth


Recommended by 33 users
The players control the heroes or villians from the famous Lord of The Rings movies. With a hero characters similar to the Warcraft series you control both the armies and all the unique heroes. The game follows the movies very closely and even got scenes from the films appear in game. Not only does the game contain a giant campaign where you play through the journey of the ring as the good side, the game also features an evil campaign where as the players play as the evil forces of Middle Earth. With multiple diffrent races from all over Middle Earth, a giant spell tree to customize your game and a unique basebuilding layout the game was great for its time....
    Excellent game, full of action and strategy, recommend to every fan of LOTR
    Os gráficos são muito bons, a história é toda baseada em Senhor dos Anéis. Para quem curte essa trilogia de filmes, o jogo é super indicado.
    Gran juego de estrategia, buenos gráficos para la época en el que fue creado, además de contener cinemáticas de la película del señor de los anillos. Buena opción si te gusta la tierra media y los juegos tipo Age of Empires
    Juego de estrategia en tiempo real. Que te hará las delicias si eres un seguidor de la saga del señor de los anillos. Gráficos hermosos para su época. Poder tomar una de las razas de las películas era lo mejor. Jugar con saruman, legolas, galdalf, es hermoso. Te lo recomiendo.
    Magnífico jogo! Aconselho a jogar