The Witcher: Monster Slayer


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The Witcher: Monster Slayer is a location-based augmented-reality RPG that challenges you to become a professional monster hunter. Venture out into the world around you and use your mobile device to track witcher-world monsters that roam close-by. Track these monsters and prepare for combat using time of day, weather conditions, and your witcher knowledge to gain an advantage on your quest to becoming an elite monster slayer.
    Realidade aumentada e usa a tua localização real. Terás de caçar mais de 100 monstros alguns deles conhecidos do universo The Witcher. Vais ter de encontrar monstros, aprender os seus hábitos, escolher armas e armaduras, preparar poções, etc. À medida que avanças, tens de melhorar a tua habilidade.

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