Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore


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The worlds of the Fire Emblem series and Atlus games have crossed paths again and the result is coming to the Nintendo Switch™ system. An interdimensional evil has invaded modern-day Tokyo, resulting in this fantastical barrage of music, style, and yes, danger. So, fight back! Battle through dungeons to pump up your strategy and creatively decimate your foes…before all hope fades to black. You and the rising stars you call friends will need to call on your own creative power—manifested as iconic Fire Emblem characters—to wage a secret war on rogue spirits that feed on creativity. Each encounter will immerse you in deep, turn-based battles that blend the combat of the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series into one brutal harmony. Fuse items to craft weaponry; then play to your strengths and crush your foes. Around every corner you’ll find fun nods to multiple fandoms, including Fire Emblem references, dungeons themed to the entertainment industry, and stunning musical p...
    Tokyo" é o local em que o game acontece. "Mirage" são os seres responsáveis por todos os conflitos do jogo.Sessions" tem a ver com o tom musical e artístico da trama. "FE", que vem de Fire emble é um crossover entre a franquia da Nintendo e da Atlus da série Shin Megami Tensei.
    Si te gustan los JRPG recomiendo este juego. Esta versión está mejorada y viene con más contenido💖

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