World of Warcraft: Legion


Recommended by 162 users
World of Warcraft: Legion ushers in an era of unprecedented conflict for the Alliance and the Horde as the Burning Legion’s crusade against creation enters a terrifying new stage. In this dire new chapter of the Warcraft saga, the demonic Burning Legion has returned, seeking to call forth their fallen leader—the dark titan Sargeras, Ravager of Worlds. As destruction rains across Azeroth, its heroes must seek salvation among the ruins of the Broken Isles, doomed center of ancient night elf civilization and birthplace of myths dating back to the world’s creation. In the face of hopeless odds, they must learn to master mighty Artifacts—legendary weapons that hold the potential to bring down the corrupted armies of the Legion—and strike an infernal pact with the dreaded Demon Hunters of the Illidari . . . accursed followers of the infamous Illidan the Betrayer....
    World of Warcraft tanto como online súper buenoo quien lo juega sabe que es super XD
    W A R C R A F T
    this is Legion, a version of the WoW game (Terrallende) 💖
    Excelente juego muy entretenido buenos gráficos tienes que cumplir misiones genial 💻🖥️🖥️💯💯

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