natural, inexpensive and efficient product for spots, pimples and skins. Make the mixture with saline and apply on the face, leave it for a maximum of 10 minutes, after removing everything and wash. For best results it is advisable to use 3 times a week.
Looking for an awesome healing product? Remember youve found it right here! From skin care, to deep tissue issues on your muscles and body regeneration, this is the one to use. The small amounts of radiation that it shares with you are just the perfect do
A argila verde eu uso de uma a duas vezes na semana. Misturo com soro fisiológico e aplico na pele com um pincel macio, deixo por 15 minutos (umidificando com algodão e água para não secar) depois lavo bem com água, faço a limpeza com gel de limpeza facial e hidrato.