Impactful people


Some of my favorite people.. These people share their knowledge just look them up
  • Moda Gary Vaynerchuk
    Gary Vaynerchuk


    "The "King of social media".. He is polarizing, hardworker and an inspiring person with a strong personality .. One of the best to know if you want to be an entrepreneur. He will not disappoint and he will give you a piece his mind while also cutting on th"
  • Moda Tony Robbins
    Tony Robbins


    "This little giant is know for "Why we do the things we do" with a captivating mind he is able to motivate one to action. He has written best selling books that are truly interesting. "
  • Moda Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Neil deGrasse Tyson


    "The Scientist and Astrophysicist that will blow your mind with his ability to talk and explain things related to science.. His ability to captivate an audience is without parallel and when he speaks you stop to listen, because you can tell he knows what h"
  • Moda Jordan B Peterson
    Jordan B Peterson


    "This psychologist is worth your time, from books like "12 Rules for life", YouTube videos or podcasts.. His analysis on the most various subjects will give you either a new perspective or something to think about"