Online Studyrooms


All the platforms I've used once or twice when trying to learn something new
  • Moda Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice
    Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice


    "If you want to learn more about something.. The basics are all there for you to remember. Or if you are just trying to get a better grade in school this is the place where you increase your knowledge"
  • Moda Udemy: Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule
    Udemy: Online Courses - Learn Anything, On Your Schedule


    "The place of learning where you will have all sorts of subjects to learn from. Regular discounts will surely give you a great bang 4 buck for the course you wish"
  • Moda Codecademy: Learn to Code - for Free
    Codecademy: Learn to Code - for Free


    "For coding you will find here the most sought out programming languages of today. With an easy learning experience and with very simple guidelines you will surely learn coding (price is also reasonable for the amount of info you can get) "
  • Moda edX | Free Online Courses by Harvard, MIT, & more
    edX | Free Online Courses by Harvard, MIT, & more


    "Online courses that you can get a certificate for.. Great if you are just trying to learn something for free or to get a proof that you know what you say you know. "
  • App Mimo: aprende a programar
    Mimo: aprende a programar


    "Learn to code with a game like app.. Interesting app that will at least teach you the basics on coding a particular language. Cheap to get more content and you may get a certificate if that is what you are looking for"