Favorite videogames!


  • Videojuegos Call of Duty Warzone
    Call of Duty Warzone


    "Been playing this alot so i guess i love it??"
  • Videojuegos Minecraft: Pocket Edition
    Minecraft: Pocket Edition


    "How could you not like this game? Come on. Best game ever. Hands down."
  • Videojuegos Resident Evil 4
    Resident Evil 4


    "I have great memories of my childhood playing this videogame, love it!"
  • Videojuegos Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


    "Favorite game ever! Incredible story. Feels like a movie!"
  • Videojuegos Batman: Arkham Knight
    Batman: Arkham Knight


    "This is my favorite of tha arkham games, the story is amazing and i love the interection with the joker, and what a freaking ending! Love it"
  • Videojuegos Spiderman


    "This games is by far my favorite superhero game, its so incredible and it really makes you feel like spiderman, this game got me into reading comics bc i wanted to learn more about spider-man. Play it. You wint regret it!"