
Miguel Sítima

26 Seguidores20 Seguidos
  • Película Shutter Island
    Shutter Island


    "If you liked Inception, please watch this"
  • Película Memento


    "Ever heard of anterograde amnesia? A brilliant film based on a true medical condition. You’ll have to stay focused for this one"
  • Película Origen


    "Do you know those films that you watch and after it’s finished you sit for a while just staring at the screen and trying to absorb everything you have just witnessed? This is it"
  • Película El club de la lucha
    El club de la lucha


    "Ingenious. One of those films that have you stuck to the screen from the first scene but in the end you have no clue about what you just watched. It really challenges your thinking! Highly recommend it!"
  • Película Sully


    "Magnificent. Based on true events, it tells the story behind the landing on Hudson River in 2009. A terrific example of humanity that will certainly at some point put tears in your eyes. With another remarkable performance by one of the best actors alive."
  • App Google Maps - Transit & Food
    Google Maps - Transit & Food


    "Great interface, relatively small app and, most importantly, it let’s you save your map offline! Especially useful during the quarantine"
  • Serie Chernobyl


    "Beautiful and frightening. We can never tell how much we don’t know. "
  • Serie 마야의 모험
    마야의 모험


    "About a chemistry teacher who starts to cook and sell meth with a former student to leave money for his family. Addictive plot and universe, filled with interesting characters and a brilliant script. One of the highest rated shows ever."
  • Serie Stranger Things
    Stranger Things


    "Not a regular sci-fi show. The chemistry between the characters is heartwarming and you can’t really help developing a relationship with them. Lovely thriller."
  • Película Parásitos


    "Brilliant! It starts as a comedy and darkens through the film, ending as a thriller/horror. It’s not too scary, so it should be pretty enjoyable for people who don’t like the genre. The plot is fantastic! Totally deserved the Oscar"