

Here are all the series that I love, and some that I want to see in the future, I hope you enjoy ❤️
  • Serie Los Simpson
    Los Simpson


    "The classic Simpsons, the show of my childhood, really fun to watch, episodes that never end, perfect to spend a lot of quality time."
  • Serie The Flash
    The Flash


    "One of the best DC comics hero in a good show with lots of episodes. Really good to spend time watching."
  • Serie Rick y Morty
    Rick y Morty


    "If you like time or interdimensional travel, sci-fi and comedy. This is the perfect show for you. It's my favourite already ♥️"
  • Serie Futurama


    "Classic Futurama, the show I used to watch every single night before going to bed. I super recommend you to see if you haven't."
  • Serie Colegas


    "Great show and funny, recommend you all to watch it :)"
  • Serie Fear the Walking Dead
    Fear the Walking Dead


    "I'm still on the end of the second season and I'm already addited to this show. I liked the way they started the show, slower and detailed. I sure recommend you to see if you're a fan of TWD world."
  • Serie Los Thunderman
    Los Thunderman


    "My favourite thing on Nickelodeon channel. A super heroes family. Really funny. Recommended ♥️"