Series reviews


  • Serie The Flash
    The Flash


    "If you like super heroes series,this one is a must the story is engaging and there's alot to see, but keep in mind some of them are kinda boring"
  • Serie Lucifer


    "What happens if the devil himself walks on earth and tries to defy his father there's only one way to find out! A good kinda CSI style series with romance in the middle and alot of action and made me laugh alot of times too"
  • Serie The Last Kingdom
    The Last Kingdom


    "A good series about the dane invasion in the Anglo-Saxon great Britain, about a Britain kid that lives with the danes, his heart is divided what should he do? Go watch it "
  • Serie The Umbrella Academy
    The Umbrella Academy


    "A not so convencional hero series, with very charismatic characters and alot of action and mind blowing scenes"
  • Serie Rick y Morty
    Rick y Morty


    "Best animated series in my opinion, it's a shame it doesn't go well in views "
  • Película Las chicas de la 6ª planta
    Las chicas de la 6ª planta


    "It's so good, until season 10, you have alot to watch :), "
  • Serie Friends


    "You have a lot to watch a so much to laugh, it's super good and a super production."
  • Serie Padre de familia
    Padre de familia


    "Together with the other series like this, it's so funny I laugh my ass out, there's only so much to say"
  • Serie Los Simpson
    Los Simpson


    "Simply amazing, it's a legendary series you need to watch, not all of it but some episodes"
  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "It was good until it became a bummer and kinda annoying it's safe to say that the first five are incredible"