💵 - Management, Ideas and Tips


Videos that can teach you how to use and manage your money
  • Moda How to invest your money in your 20s
    How to invest your money in your 20s


    "Kris Krohn retired at age of 26 because of is knowledge on Real State market. On this video he will give you the tips you need to start by yourself!"
  • Moda Financial Income - Real State
    Financial Income - Real State


    "This website will teach how to invest and manage your own money so you can become financial relief and making profit every single day with no work"
  • Moda 10 ways of making money online in 2020
    10 ways of making money online in 2020


    "If you don't have the time to make a save money background, making money online it might be your solution! Listen to this advices and confirm by yourself!😉"
  • Moda How can a teenager make easy money?
    How can a teenager make easy money?


    "Good video for young people hunger for making money"
  • Moda Passive income
    Passive income


    "How to generate passive income money every mouth"
  • Moda Business you can start with 0€
    Business you can start with 0€


    "Amazing ideas for people with no money to start a business!!"
  • Moda 50/30/20 Rule
    50/30/20 Rule


    "Very good rule to manage my money"
  • Moda Money Management
    Money Management


    "Tom Ferry presents you a way to save your money better than you have done until this right moment"
  • Moda Manage your money like a rich
    Manage your money like a rich


    "You online will be rich if you can be mature and manage your money well. This video can teach you a lot about that😉"
  • Moda The Financial Diet
    The Financial Diet


    "Amazing channel for a better financial management"