
Ana ||-//

53 Seguidores2 Seguidos
  • Película Fragmentos de una mujer
    Fragmentos de una mujer


    "This film has turned in my favorite one, talks about a women and the lost of her daughter, how she acts with it, how her partner feels it and the influence that her mother has in it. You could feel the pain, embarrassment and all the feelings that the characters are experiencing. This must win oscar"
  • Serie Delicadas y crueles
    Delicadas y crueles


    "I've heard that it's not a series with good actors cause all of them are dancers, but as an overview it's a great series just to spend time, I recommend to watch this alone."
  • Serie Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj
    Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj


    "I just find this on February because lockdown and it really helped me to be okay through the 2020. Hasan Minhaj has a humor like no one. I've been doing some online assignments with the information that he brings. It's just great and it may not be so family friendly, but it worth enough"
  • Serie Rompan todo: La historia del rock en América Latina
    Rompan todo: La historia del rock en América Latina


    "Está muy bien contado, te muestra como el rock fue cambiando y como en muchos casos se usaba para señalar a la política de su país. Puedes reír, y hasta incluso llorar, yo de verdad lo hice porque es muy touching, me hubiera encantado que saliera algo de PXNDX pero fuera de eso no le falta nada."
  • Película A la mierda el 2020
    A la mierda el 2020


    "Funniest false documentary in the year, this is just a great script and a great actuation too, it recap the 2020 from different points of view and make it hilarious, we have a Karen, a Politician, a YouTube guy, the best character is the girl that is always trowing shit to the human beings an more."
  • Película La madre del blues
    La madre del blues


    "I can say this is my favorite movie of the 2020, the excellent Viola's act. And the great script that this movie have it's unbelievable. 5/5 that's it."
  • Película Lady Bird
    Lady Bird


    "It's one of the teenager movies that I dont hate so... That good it is."
  • Serie Big Bang
    Big Bang


    "I just finished this tv show, the funniest I have ever watched in my entire life. Have twelve seasons and ur not gonna feel this as a waste of time. Excellent actuation, writers and character development. Nothing but the best series u can ever see. Great."
  • Serie Girlboss


    "The dress and the bridge"
  • Canción Lowlife


    "Damn.. i fucking love Poppy"