
Andrea Artunduaga

235 Seguidores27 Seguidos
  • Moda album by rosalía
    album by rosalía


    "Rosalía’s “el mal querer” album is a flamenco pop bop, personal favorite is “pienso en tu mira”."
  • Película La ciudad de las estrellas (La La Land)
    La ciudad de las estrellas (La La Land)


    "La La Land: gripping writing, creative editing, beautiful cinematography, superb acting, underrated singing, amazing soundtrack, shocking (and good) ending."
  • Película Las ventajas de ser un marginado
    Las ventajas de ser un marginado


    "we all are, or have once been wallflowers. the shy creatures of the universe, strangled in a problematic world where everything is so confusing and hard..."
  • Canción Loner


    "her vocal performances and features are unmatched when it comes to creating and adding to a vibe in my opinion"
  • Serie Love Alarm
    Love Alarm


    "it was really good and has a unique concept"
  • Serie The Society
    The Society


    "the society on netflix is literally assassination nation without widespread hacking. "
  • Serie Vis a Vis
    Vis a Vis


    "it’s a little bit similar to OITNB (but better in my opinion). story about a woman who gets send to prison. lots of drama, also very gay (although it seems straight at first). it’s a really good show + there is a sequel show to the show with two great characters"
  • Serie Anne with an E
    Anne with an E


    "i'll recommend this: anne with an e on netflix. it's literally the most beautiful serie i've ever seen. it touches controversial topics such as feminism, sexism, racism, censorship of opinion, abuse of the church, etc. it's worth it, it made me cry basically in every episode. "
  • Serie Euphoria


    "i don’t think any show can ever fucking top what euphoria has become. the cast, the script, the fucking cinematography, and the mf masterpiece of a soundtrack... nothing and i mean NOTHING CAN EVER TOUCH THE GENIUS ENSEMBLE THAT IS EUPHORIA"
  • Serie Todo es una mierda
    Todo es una mierda


    "everything sucks! feels like a show with stories that are made FOR the folks they are about instead of just ABOUT them. it’s devastating to see it cancelled, especially so quickly. but that’s just one kate's opinion. (also, the soundtrack is perfect)"