
  • Serie Naruto


    "one of the most completed anime that I had seen, I really love the story about naruto and all the secrets that you can know during the anime, I'm fascinated with sakura, she deserves better~"
  • Serie Naruto Shippuden
    Naruto Shippuden


    "the story about naruto and his friends continúes and you can see how much they had grown up during the time, I consider the evolution of naruto as a masterpiece, and sakura, please she's one of the best female characters in shippuden, I really enjoy and suffer seeing this "
  • Serie My Hero Academia
    My Hero Academia


    "deku is one of the few humans who has no squirts, but one day he discovers the whole truth about his heroe ALL MIGHT, and deku receives the "one for all" and he starts to study in UA, to be one of the best heroes around the world "
  • Serie Neon Genesis Evangelion
    Neon Genesis Evangelion


    "one of the most WTF anime that I've seen, it's very interesting but hard to explain and understand, I would like to read the manga, it lacks to explain your contents in a better way, I really like this anime and it's very ?¿?¿ all the time, if you see this you have to see the movie too "
  • Serie Parasyte: The Maxim
    Parasyte: The Maxim


    "I enjoy the changes that have to suffer Shinji since migi appears, a short anime with full of light and stories, some parasites are too smart"
  • Serie Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
    Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day


    "one of the most sad stories that I've seen. I really cry with this anime, I don't like the obsession that everything have with menma, they love her but they can't continue their lifes because her death, truly sad "
  • Serie Kimetsu no Yaiba: Guardianes de la Noche
    Kimetsu no Yaiba: Guardianes de la Noche


    "A masterpiece."
  • Serie Attack on Leningrad
    Attack on Leningrad


    "I believe in Mikasa and Levi supremacy "
  • Serie Blue Exorcist
    Blue Exorcist


    "good anime but not the best, I really hate the end of the first season and the beginning of the second, the canon story, I love Rin and Kuuro, I can't wait season 3"
  • Serie Banana Fish
    Banana Fish


    "estoy muy triste. sa yo na ra"