Instagram 👀


Estas son las aplicaciones móviles que uso para diseñar las historias de instagram y mantener mi perfil bonito y organizado.
  • App Unfold - Editor de Stories
    Unfold - Editor de Stories


    "Edita tus historias y fotos para publicar de manera creativa y original con marcos y efectos divinos!"
  • App Storyluxe


    "app parecida a unfold pero con más efectos gratuitos!! Recomendada "
  • App StoryChic—Story Editor&Collage
    StoryChic—Story Editor&Collage


    "I usually don't pay anything unless I really think it is necessary because if the things it gives me paying for it, and in this case it really is. One of the app that I use the most on editing my instagram stories."
  • App Loopsie


    "I'm still exciting for this app, and I've been using it from last month. It is incredible because you can record videos and edit them easily, taking off what you don't really need in and making a loop on what is important, in a single minute.."
  • App ‎MOSAICO: Instagram Planner
    ‎MOSAICO: Instagram Planner


    "Yeah, I payed for it, and you already know I usually don't pay for a thing so (...) it is good! It lets you plan, organize and reorganize your feed the way you want."
  • App Swipemix - Carousel Collages
    Swipemix - Carousel Collages


    "It lets you publish photos on your profile with different types of designs, numbers, etc. If you're looking to give your feed the potential you need, you have to install and use this one app."