this is Halloween


  • Película Constantine


    "American action horror film directed by Francis Lawrence as his directorial debut, starring Keanu Reeves as John Constantine, Rachel Weisz as Angela Dodson and Isabel Dodson, Shia LaBeouf as Chad Kramer (Constantine's driver and apprentice) and Tilda Swinton as Archangel Gabriel."
  • Película Feliz día de tu muerte
    Feliz día de tu muerte


    "Entertaining and time looping horror film starring as Jessica Rothe as Tree Gelbman a college student that everytime she dies, her day starts over again until she finds out who the killer is."
  • Película El retorno de las brujas
    El retorno de las brujas


    "Best Halloween film of all time."
  • Película La cumbre escarlata
    La cumbre escarlata


    "Extremely well directed film by Guillermo del Toro and starring by an amazing cast: Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska, Jessica Chastain, Charlie Hunnam..."
  • Película Pesadilla antes de Navidad
    Pesadilla antes de Navidad


    "“Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!” — Jack Skellington"
  • Película La familia Addams
    La familia Addams


    "Very fun 90s dark comedy film which is a faithful adaptation of the 60's TV show."
  • Película Viernes 13
    Viernes 13


    "Entertaining reboot of the Friday the 13th franchise. Jared Padalecki's performance in this film is fantastic."
  • Película Jennifer's Body
    Jennifer's Body


    "Needy: I thought you only murdered boys! Jennifer: I go both ways. "
  • Serie Castle Rock
    Castle Rock


    "American Psychological and extremely underrated series that takes place in Castle Rock, a fictional town created by Stephen King."
  • Película Jóvenes y brujas
    Jóvenes y brujas

