Comedy - Movies


  • Película La máscara
    La máscara


    "Such a great energy! An old classic that is always in vogue: Jim Carrey is a man like many of us in this society that, with the help of a mysterious mask, manage to be free from social pressure and do want most of us only dream to do. Must see and laugh! "
  • Película Deadpool


    "Best word to describe it: LOL! First time to see a superhero so funny and rebel - I couldn’t stop laughing! And the songs are the cherry on top. Attention: only +17 should watch. Best moment: after cutting is hand off. "
  • Película George de la jungla
    George de la jungla


    "It’s a classic with a lot of “cliches” but it’s so funny! Can’t get enough of a good laugh 😂🤣 best moment: Coffee, coffee, coffee... 😝☕️"