My 🔝 Netflix Series


  • Serie Hijos de la anarquía
    Hijos de la anarquía


    "Love the drama and brutality around these biker’s life: must see! 😎"
  • Serie Ragnarok


    "I like the mystery around this adaptation of what looks like “Thor & Loki” back in our society - they also mention the environmental issue: great initiative and love the story 😉👍🏻"
  • Serie Vikingos


    "Must see 😱🤓 the story is good but the scenes can be to brutal at some point - very nice 😈"
  • Serie Élite


    "I strangely liked it a lot: it remains me the American series with rich teenagers but, this time, the Spanish flavour gave it so much fascination and intrigue. Perspectives about a lot of topics around teenagers life and adult conflicts: very interesting 😉👌"
  • Serie Brews Brothers
    Brews Brothers


    "So funny! And about family and beers! Loved it: very funny and relating the difficulty not only while creating a business but also having family around and strong opinions too! Hope you like it as well ;D"
  • Serie Anatomía de Grey
    Anatomía de Grey


    "Love it! 😍 I work in the medical sector and I’ve always loved the cases showed on this program (the drama also, but mostly the medicine!). I stopped watching only after the 12th season: Hope you like it as well!"
  • Serie La historia de Dios con Morgan Freeman
    La historia de Dios con Morgan Freeman


    "Wonderful documentary! So much knowledge about religions: it opens tour mind about all your believes and the human nature. I definitely recommend it: Hope you like it as well! 😉👌"
  • Serie Marco Polo
    Marco Polo


    "Loving it: a lot of history and social content on it. You wont lose your time if you decide to watch it! 😉"