
Algumas receitas ótimas e fáceis de fazer!
  • Libro Como fazer panquecas: 2 receitas especiais para recheios
    Como fazer panquecas: 2 receitas especiais para recheios


    "Ingredients: 3 egg whites; 3 egg yolks; 220g of flour w/ baking powder; 250ml of milk."
  • Producto How To Make Scones
    How To Make Scones


    "Ingredients: 225g of flour w/ baking powder; 1 teaspoon of baking powder for cakes; 50g of butter; 20g of sugar; 125ml of milk; some lemon juice drops "
  • Lugar Preparing Cakes, Cookies, and Pastry healthy
    Preparing Cakes, Cookies, and Pastry healthy


    "Ingredients: 60g of almond; 75g of rolled oats; 3 soup spoons of almond butter; 1 banana; 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder; 3 soup spoons of a vegetable drink (optional); 60g of black chocolate."
  • Libro Sally's Cookie Addiction
    Sally's Cookie Addiction


    "Ingredients: 150g of butter; 400g of flour; 150g of sugar; 2 spoons of chocolate powder; 1 spoon of baking powder; 3 eggs"
  • Moda Iogurte natural + frutos vermelhos
    Iogurte natural + frutos vermelhos


    "Se há coisa que adoro comer é iogurte natural com fruta e granola! Super fácil de fazer, saudável e saboroso (neste caso triturei frutos vermelhos com o iogurte)😋 "
  • Moda Avocado toast
    Avocado toast


    "Ingredients: 1 avocado; bread; olive oil; lemon juice; salt; black and red pepper."