🇯🇴 JORDAN, Desert Castles Seguir
These Qasrs (meaning palace or castle in Arabic) were built around the 7th and 8th centuries by the Umayyads for a series of purposes such as accommodation, commerce, politics, agriculture and even defence.
Check the audio and blog for further details!
1️⃣ Most popular
2️⃣ Least popular
"And finally we have Qasr Al-Burqu, a less impressive structure with very difficult access, but located in a very unique landscape. Qasr Al-Burqu is surrounded by the Burqu lake, in an area that is home to a large amount of species: birds, gazelles, foxes, hyenas and more"
"Despite it's lack of popularity due to difficult access, Qasr Tuba is actually one of the most impressive castles on this list because of being a large residence complex in the middle of the desert."
"Qasr al-Mshatta is a surprisingly big complex and was originally built to serve as a sophisticated meeting site for the caliph and so you will be able to find loads of details on it's walls. Part of its façade was sent to Pergamon Museum, Berlin, in 1903."
"Qasr Azraq has a very distinct architecture to the ones mentioned above: it was built by the Romans 4 to 5 centuries before most of the other "castles", it looks a lot more like a fortress and has a much darker colour thanks to the use of black basalt on its construction."
"Next on the list is the Umayyad desert complex of Qasr Al-Hallabat, originally built for defence and known for it's well preserved mosaics as well as the related mosque and bath house Hammam al-Sarah"
"Qusair Amra is the only World Heritage Site desert castle in Jordan and it's known for it's beautiful fresco paintings related to life, trading, hunting and kings. It's considerably small comparing to others Qasrs and has a bath complex."
"And finally, on the line of castles, I could not leave this list without mentioning the desert castles or Qasrs (palaces or castles). One of the oldest in the region and the most popular desert castle in Jordan is Qasr al-Kharana. This one was never used for military purposes."