Movies 🎞 🍿


My favorite movies of all time
  • Película Crash (Colisión)
    Crash (Colisión)


    "An exciting film in which the theme of racism is present in every second. All the characters cross over the course of 48 hours and the ending is unexpected. Winner of 3 academy oscars!"
  • Película Diamante de sangre
    Diamante de sangre


    "African children who became soldiers for someone build his fortune is still a concern in this world. This movie tell us a dramatic story about the prospection of diamonds in Sierra Leoa with guerrillas, soldier children, and a run of a father to save his "
  • Película In Time
    In Time


    "Bonnie & Clyde movie style! Time is money and TIME is all that matters! Who wouldn't buy time if they could?"
  • Película Avatar


    "“Pocahontas” of the 21st Century! A wonderful movie with a wonderful photography."
  • Película The Bourne Identity: El caso Bourne
    The Bourne Identity: El caso Bourne


    "Bourne Trilogy: one of the best action movies of all time. A blockbuster!"
  • Película El mito de Bourne
    El mito de Bourne


    "Bourne Trilogy: one of the best action movies of all time. A blockbuster!"
  • Película El ultimátum de Bourne
    El ultimátum de Bourne


    "Bourne Trilogy: one of the best action movies of all time. A blockbuster!"
  • Película Shooter: El tirador
    Shooter: El tirador


    "When someone is framed by his own country something has to be done! Mark Whalberg has an enormous performance on this movie where the worst thing they could have done was kill his dog! This movie has one of the best explosions ever made on cinema!"
  • Película Sr. y Sra. Smith
    Sr. y Sra. Smith


    "A comic romance and action movie! P.S - One of the best explosions ever made in Hollywood."
  • Película El rey león
    El rey león


    "This movie is the first movie I saw in my life and also my first memory as a person. "Remember who you are." You are powerful beyond measure. "