
Elena Vieru

459 Seguidores1753 Seguidos
  • Moda Listen to Podcasts
    Listen to Podcasts


    "Se ainda não conheces este podcast, recomendo! Enquanto estás em quarentena ouve este podcast para te rires um bocado."
  • Moda Closet Organization
    Closet Organization


    "The perfect time for you to organize your closet and to donate those clothes you don’t use anymore."
  • Moda Fitness


    "This girl has the best videos to exercise. If you want to stay fit in this quarantine I recommend you to follow her routines!"
  • Producto Chuwi LapBook Air
    Chuwi LapBook Air


    "Devo ser eu a ganhar porque vou ser sincera, nunca ganhei nenhum giveaway na vida, ia subir o meu ego :) @elenavieruu"
  • Moda Maria Modista
    Maria Modista


    "It’s a Portuguese school where they give you courses on sewing, one day courses, and normal lessons. Now, with this situation, they are giving some amazing step by step on their instagram page! "
  • Moda Sewing


    "Its almost time to wear bikinis and you can learn how to make your own! Or learn how to do a blouse, or a dress! The link is also for skillshare but on the Maria Modista instagram you also have some step by step videos that teach you how to sew!"
  • Moda Drawing


    "The link is to skillshare page with drawing videos and classes. Try new skills and learn new things!"
  • Moda Painting


    "If you already love painting, it’s a good time to start doing it as a full time! If you never painted and want to try it, here’s a link from skillshare with various classes for you to learn what you want. Go for it!"
  • Moda Skillshare


    "The best site to learn new things and to have mini classes. It gives you the first 2 months for free and you have various videos of people teaching a lot and a lot of things. If you want to learn how to sew, draw, do whatever you want, I’m sure you will f"
  • App Netflix


    "O clássico dos clássicos! Já todos sabem o que é e como funciona!"