Series tv 📺


  • Serie Fuga en Dannemora
    Fuga en Dannemora


    "exciting true story of two inmates, very good actors! Short but intense, i recommand it! 📺 "
  • Serie Mujeres desesperadas
    Mujeres desesperadas


    "My favorite series ever! exciting, funny, mysterious! my husband thought it was women's stuff instead when I decided to look at it for the second time, I convinced him and now he became addicted!!"
  • Serie La casa de papel
    La casa de papel


    "It will catch you from the first time! Suspance, action and fun! Sometimes is a bit too much..but ok its a film!😉"
  • Serie Vis a vis
    Vis a vis


    "I really like this serie! even if some episodes are a bit surreal and lose some credibility, it really catches your attention and you can't get enough of it!"
  • Serie Breaking Bad
    Breaking Bad


    "Stunning, one of my favorites, I miss all the characters! 📺"