Top 10 Sunday Classic Movies


  • Película ¿En qué piensan las mujeres?
    ¿En qué piensan las mujeres?


    "Old but gold, Mel Gibson is working in a publicist and starts to hear woman’s thoughts. Classic "
  • Película Amor ciego
    Amor ciego


    "Shallow hal, is one of my favorite of Jack Black, as he start to see people’s inside beauty and starts dating a obese girl."
  • Película El príncipe de Zamunda
    El príncipe de Zamunda


    "Coming to America, amazing classic from Eddie Murphy where he plays a prince from Zamunda that wants to find true love and be normal in New York."
  • Película Como Dios
    Como Dios


    "Bruce Almighty, classic funny Jim Carrey that he have god powers. "
  • Película Dos rubias de pelo en pecho
    Dos rubias de pelo en pecho


    "White Chicks, the funniest film from the 2000’s two FBI agents that for security reasons have to transforme into two white girls. "
  • Película Mentiroso compulsivo
    Mentiroso compulsivo


    "Liar Liar, Jim carrey is a lawyer that passes his day lying and one day his son just made a wish for him to stop and so it starts."
  • Canción Africa's Inside Me
    Africa's Inside Me


    "Superbad, okey I loved this movie but it’s very teenager puberty film "
  • Película Un canguro superduro
    Un canguro superduro


    "The pacifier, Vin Diesel a Seal agent that has a new mission be an undercover nanny, and helps the family."
  • Película Papá Canguro
    Papá Canguro


    "Daddy Day Care, well Eddie Murphy opens a day care so that’s amazing and funny "
  • Película Click


    "Click, someone gave Adam Sandler a remote control for his life "