Jailbreak For iOS


Unc0ver is a jail-break, which means that you can have the freedom to do whatever you would like to do to your iOS device. Allowing you to change what you want and operate within your purview. iOS 11.0 through to iOS 13.3 (Excluding 12.3-12.3.2 and 12.4.2-12.4.5). It lets you install CYDIA. 😉
  • App Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS
    Unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS


    "UncOver is a jail-break, which means that you can have the freedom to do whatever you would like to do to your iOS device. Procedure: After download, goto Settings>General>Device Management and trust that app. Now open UncOver, hit jailbreak button. Your device will reboot, again hit jailbreak. "