
All about health, beauty, style, lifestyle, aging, with a parisian joie de viver
  • Libro Goop Clean Beauty from The Editors of Goop
    Goop Clean Beauty from The Editors of Goop


    "Goop Clean Beauty by The Editors of Lifestyle site Goop , a great source of all things beauty and longevity from inside out and outside in"
  • Libro Two Lipsticks and a Lover
    Two Lipsticks and a Lover


    "Two Lipsticks and a Lover, by Helena Firth Powell, where an English rose tries to discover what is it all about French women and their allure"
  • Libro Bloom


    "Bloom, from blogger Estée Lalonde. Navigating Life and style, where Estée shares moments, people, things and life lessons that have made her..."
  • Libro Ageless Beauty
    Ageless Beauty


    "Ageless Beauty, by Clemence von Mueffling, discover the best-kept beauty secrets from the editors at Vogue Paris, the best in French beauty and aging"
  • Libro It


    "It, by Alexa Chung, a witty charming dive in the mind of a Britpop quirky style star"
  • Libro How to be a Parisian
    How to be a Parisian


    "How to be a Parisian wherever you are, de Caroline de Maigret and three fellow parisians, too cool for school or assuming being a Parisian is a thing"
  • Libro In Paris
    In Paris


    "In Paris, from quintessential Parisian girl Jeanne Damas, walks us through parisians arrondissements in food company - real Parisian women of all ages"
  • Libro Older


    "Older, But Better, But Older, de Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas, takes us to another level of female neurosis as parisians get wiser - identifico!"
  • Libro Bíblia dos Cuidados de Beleza
    Bíblia dos Cuidados de Beleza


    "Bíblia dos Cuidados de Beleza, da Dra. Anjali Mahto, um livro indispensável para conhecer um pouco de tudo o que diz respeito aos cuidados com os vários tipos de pele e seus problemas. Vou lá tirar muitas dúvidas rápidas, é muito sucinto e acessível na li"