Books 📚


This is my book recommendations. I look for readings that can teach me something, that open my mind and help to live wisely, enjoying life's simple pleasures.
  • Libro The Forty Rules of Love
    The Forty Rules of Love


    "Very enigmatic and different of usual writings. It's a novel about Rumi and Shams Tabrizi and explains how you can change your life through love 🕌"
  • Libro O perfume
    O perfume


    "What a flair 👃🏻🌹🌳! When essences and smells become an obsession. Just great!"
  • Libro The Alchemist
    The Alchemist


    "All the treasures we can find within 💎❤ An essencial of Paulo Coelho about universal language, wold's soul and our heart. Very easy to read."
  • Libro O Fio Da Navalha
    O Fio Da Navalha


    "A great romance of 20's in search of meaning of life, what is mystic and what is real with many different characters 📻"
  • Libro O Retrato de Dorian Gray
    O Retrato de Dorian Gray


    "Deep philosophical romance 🖤 this romance caused a big scandal and controversy in Victorian England. Highly recommended! "
  • Libro Profecia Celestina
    Profecia Celestina


    "There is no coincidence. There is no random encounters. There is always a message. Very spiritual, very deep. Perfect to read and offer."
  • Libro Só o Amor É Real
    Só o Amor É Real


    "The meaning of "soul mate" is very powerfull and timeless and you can read that here where soul mates finded each other at this life and another ones..."
  • Libro O livro do Hygge
    O livro do Hygge


    "Hygge - Danish secret to be happy. It's about atmosphere and experience. Not about things. A calm, confortable time with people you love. Celebrating the everyday, enjoying life's simple pleasures. Coziness of the soul. Enjoyed with good food and candleli"
  • Libro Dentro Da Loja Mágica
    Dentro Da Loja Mágica


    "Finding a way to our soul and opening our heart ❤ It's a great purpose, you realy learn a lot: relax your body, dominate the mind, open your heart, classify your purpose. Highly recommended to read, re-read and share :)"
  • Libro O Farmacêutico de Auschwitz
    O Farmacêutico de Auschwitz


    "I read 2 Auschwitz books writted by those who survived and then I undestood that I wanted some kind of explanation for what happened there... Here I found some facts ☝🏼 unfair but real..."