

Recommendations and descriptions of every product from Monat for haircare.If you want to try it,please send me a message(ig:lil.chinny_) and I'll be happy to help you. I'll be posting Friday and Saturday different products.Remeber:There's a 30 day money back guarantee.
  • Lugar Monat Rejuvenique Oil Intensive by MONAT
    Monat Rejuvenique Oil Intensive by MONAT


    "Perfect for different types of skin...keep your skin hydrate,with more than 13 essential oils,anti-aging and SILICONE FREE. Helps with fine lines and wrinkles,improved texture and tone.Send me a message(ig:@lil.chinny_) if you want more info or you want to try it.(30 days money back guarantee)"
  • Moda Blow out cream by Monat
    Blow out cream by Monat


    "Even tho is a blow out cream sometimes I use it during those dry and hot days,keeps my hair smooth and hydrate.Main purpose:Cream to style,is going to restore softness and shine.(That's my page,but send me a message and I'll help you to find the best products for your hair and goals.Ig:lil.chinny_)"