Cámaras y cositas tec 📷🤩


Equipos que uso y otros que me gustaría sumar
  • Producto Fujifilm X100T 16 MP Digital Camera
    Fujifilm X100T 16 MP Digital Camera


    "My every day travel camera. Even though there are thousands of incredible good compact cameras I just love the image quality, the Fuji colours and the esthetic which resembles an old camera and people just feel free around it. Great for street photos. Also I has WiFi 💕"
  • Electrónica Nikon D750 - Cámara réflex digital de 24.3 Mp
    Nikon D750 - Cámara réflex digital de 24.3 Mp


    "This is the body I use for my work related stuff. Generally with a sigma 35mm 1.4 or a 24 mm nikkor"
  • Electrónica GoPro  HERO7  Black  -  Cámara  de  acción 
    GoPro  HERO7  Black  -  Cámara  de  acción 


    "Trying to get used to carry it around. I love videos and people feel less intimidated when you film them with this little one. Great quality, I need to explore it a bit more but, I love it "