
  • Producto Borracha Preta Dust-Free Faber-Castell
    Borracha Preta Dust-Free Faber-Castell


    "As borrachas são minhas companheiras de estudo e está não deixa tudo a volta sujo. "
  • Producto Double book cover
    Double book cover


    "Boa para disciplinas práticas e teóricas"
  • Producto BIC Cristal Soft bolígrafos punta media
    BIC Cristal Soft bolígrafos punta media


    "Canetas clássicas. "
  • Producto Infinite book
    Infinite book


    "One of the best purchases I ever made. Every page is like a white board that we can write and erase later. There is in lots of sizes and types of lines. Mine is total white. "
  • App GoodNotes 5
    GoodNotes 5


    "Awesome for personalised notes on iPad and even on iPhone "
  • Moda Luz de Leitura Kikkerland
    Luz de Leitura Kikkerland


    "Excelent for my night readings when I go to bed. "
  • Moda Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More
    Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More


    "A few months ago I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder that was really affecting me. I used to be prejudiced when it comes to mental illness. Now I know that it’s real and asking for help or take some medication doesn’t make me weak. As matter of fact I’m stronger now than before."