Egypt 2019


10 days travelling through Egypt, a childhood dream made possible with the help of Habibi Tours
  • Restaurantes Koshari Abou Tarek
    Koshari Abou Tarek


    "Delicious and glorious carbs!"
  • Lugar Tahrir Plaza Suites
    Tahrir Plaza Suites


    "Beautiful rooms, great location and price! Bring earplugs since it is impossie to sleep in Cairo"
  • Restaurantes Zööba


    "In the "european" part of Cairo, delicious restaurant where we ended up having diner every night"
  • Lugar Saqqara Necropolis
    Saqqara Necropolis


    "Less crowded than Giza, equally interesting (sometimes it is possible to get inside some of the thombs). Entrance fee as of 2019: 155 egp"
  • Lugar Pirámides de Giza
    Pirámides de Giza


    "Crowded but historical, it is crazy to actuallybe here! Entrance fee as of 2019: 160 gbp"
  • Lugar Citadel of Saladin
    Citadel of Saladin


    "Islamic Cairo, totally different feeling. Entrance fee as of 2019: 145 egp"
  • Lugar The Egyptian Museum
    The Egyptian Museum


    "Amazing and dreamy collection, for those who love Egyptian history. Just a shame the current organization of the current museum, and the way pieces are kept..."
  • Lugar Philae Temple
    Philae Temple


    "The Philae Temple is considered one of the most beautiful and sacred, dedicated to the goddess Isis. With the construction of the dam, it was already partially submerged so in order to avoid the total destruction, it was moved, piece by piece, to the osla"
  • Lugar Templo de Edfu
    Templo de Edfu


  • Lugar Temple of Kom Ombo
    Temple of Kom Ombo
