Series 📺


Series that are SO worth watching, and if you haven’t, what are you still doing here??
  • Serie The Walking Dead
    The Walking Dead


    "Romance, drama, magic, mystery, death and hot vampires what’s even left to say? 🔥"
  • Serie Happy!


    "A blue imaginary unicorn helping a drunk junkie ex-cop save his daughter who’s been kidnapped, what could possibly go wrong?"
  • Serie Gossip Girl
    Gossip Girl


    "Teenage royalty living in Manhattan, who’d know they’d have such dark secretes, how do I know? That’s a secret I’ll never tell xoxo"
  • Serie Cenicienta y los Cuatro Caballeros (Cinderella and Four Knights)
    Cenicienta y los Cuatro Caballeros (Cinderella and Four Knights)


    "It’s absolutely adorable. Lot’s of drama, cute boys and bizarre situations. I love it. The ending couldn’t be better."
  • Película Modern Family: A Modern Farewell
    Modern Family: A Modern Farewell


    "Ótimo filme a realidade no worl of mundo"
  • Serie Juego de tronos
    Juego de tronos


    "Ya la conocéis todos ok ya lo sé bye "
  • Serie Santa Clarita Diet
    Santa Clarita Diet


    "Ultra bizarre, violent and deadly hilarious. So easy to marathon on."
  • Serie The Act
    The Act


    "The only sad thing other than the storyline, of course, is that you can only find this, legally at least, on Hulu, that said, it’s a GREAT series."
  • Serie 마야의 모험
    마야의 모험


  • Serie Suits: la clave del éxito
    Suits: la clave del éxito


    "Funny, dramatic, and entertaining overall, when I watch this I feel like an actual Harvard lawyer "