Marvel Cronológicamente ☄️🕦


Películas, series y cortometrajes de Marvel ordenados cronológicamente.
  • Película La maldición del hombre lobo
    La maldición del hombre lobo


  • Película Thor: Love and Thunder
    Thor: Love and Thunder


  • Serie Ms. Marvel
    Ms. Marvel


  • Serie She-Hulk: abogada Hulka
    She-Hulk: abogada Hulka


    "8/10 The CGI was really well done and i loved how smoothly they handled the introduction to the character. I am a huge comic fan and MCU fan so I must see every show marvel releases and I was not disappointed at all."
  • Película Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever


    "9/10 Me ha encantado. Homenaje innegable y merecido a Chadwick Boseman. Una experiencia fílmica sumamente imaginativa."
  • Serie Caballero Luna
    Caballero Luna


    "7,2/10 It blends great cinematography, incredible directing, and spot-on acting with an interesting and engaging story that you just can't stop watching. Oscar Isaac's ability to play two (maybe three?) different personalities without making any mistakes or blending the personalities together is imp"
  • Serie Ojo de Halcón
    Ojo de Halcón


  • Película Doctor Strange en el multiverso de la locura
    Doctor Strange en el multiverso de la locura


    "Dr. Strange y el multiverso de la locura es extrañamente extraordinaria."
  • Película Eternals


    "Chloe Zhao did an incredible job of introducing so many new characters into the MCU. I felt each character was developed perfectly. The diversity of this cast is also worth mentioning - it was truly refreshing to have representation from minority groups in each character. 7/10"
  • Película Shang-Chi y la leyenda de los Diez Anillos
    Shang-Chi y la leyenda de los Diez Anillos


    "8,3/10 It occurred to me while watching this movie that it is genuinely no longer about the characters we focus on, but it is their adventure toward locating themselves, and we follow that adventure here in an amazing Superhero Oriental Fantasy blockbuster."